IndianOil celebrates Festival of Ideas
New Delhi   16-Feb-2012

VS Okhde, director (pipelines) inaugurated the Festival of Ideas week in IndianOil pipelines division that coincided with the National Productivity Week at pipelines division head office recently.

Okhde launched the festivities of providing innovative ideas under the Corporate Suggestion Scheme by clicking the mouse to open the portal for online submission of suggestion through intranet. ED (HR) Suneel Sethi encouraged all to participate actively and enthusiastically by giving ideas and suggestions. “If we want to be ahead of the curve, we must be visionaries and innovative. The companies that can bring innovative and breakthrough ideas to the table continue to grow and prosper,” Sethi said.

Festival of Ideas is being celebrated all across pipelines division to bring out the best of ideas from all the employees. The suggestions and ideas are acknowledged and adequately rewarded with suggestion awards and special giveaways.